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Our Teacher

Associate Professor Sacha Sethaputra (D.Eng.)

(Acting 2008-2018, B.E.)

  • D.Eng. (Applied Hydraulics), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 1975.
  • M.Eng. (Applied Hydraulics), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 1973.
  • M.S. (Civil Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 1981.
  • B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), University of New South Wales, Australia.1970.

 Sacha Sethaputra is in water resource engineering, agricultural engineering, and mechanical engineering. His experience outside of academics includes several sabbatical leaves and inter-agencies’ human resource loans: NESDB, TDRI, Thai consulting companies, the World Bank, ESCAP, and Fulbright professional affiliation in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. His main interests are rural water supply and project development planning.